In the Mahadeva Malai Hills in Kankuppam village, Vellore district, Tamil Nadu, is a Shiva temple. The mahadeva malai temple location is west of Katpadi. Situated on a solitary stone hill, it is a prominent location. Built by a Pandya kingdom trader, the temple is known as Mahadeva Malai Temple. It is estimated that the temple is 500 years old. Goddess Kamakshi is the spouse of Shiva in this temple.
The Mahadeva Malai Temple Legend
There once was a merchant who was a devoted follower of Shiva. He prayed to see Shiva in a darshan, or spiritual vision. He was requested to go to Kalahasthi on the day of Maha Shivratri. After setting out on his trek, the merchant arrived at a location known as K.V. Kuppam. There, he inquired about the path to Kalahasthi. It was told to him that he was a long way from home.
That day was already Maha Shivratri. The merchant was very upset and hopeless that he would not make it to Kalahasthi in time for the celebration. The trader was contacted by an elderly guy who promised him a glimpse of God. The men arrived at a hill. When the older man revealed himself to be Shiva, he gave the merchant instructions to erect a temple there. Keezh Vazhi Thunai Kuppam is the name of the village where the merchant encountered Shiva. Mahadeva Malai Temple History
A trader involved in the turmeric trade was born on December 6, 1930, in the district of Dharmapuri. He was Siddha Mahananda.
At thirty-five, he was motivated to renovate multiple temples in Tamil Nadu by the Supreme deity Shiva. In Kalahasthi, Andhra Pradesh, he also initiated the practice of Annadhanam, or feeding the underprivileged at the Lokuvakulam Bhradwajeeswarar temple. Shiva showed himself in his dream on December 25, 2002, late at night. He congratulated Mahananda on being born into a family of Siddhas, who would live for a millennium. He gave him instructions to reside in a cave on Mahadeva Mount. “Honor me and safeguard the followers,” declared Shiva before vanishing.
Following Shiva’s directions, mahadeva malai siddhar went to Mahadeva Mount, where Shiva once more materialized in front of him. It was only on the first day of Chithirai that Shiva gave him the order to purify himself. Because all of the wealth had accumulated there, he asked him not to ask for alms from anyone. Mahananda Siddha was tasked with preventing illness and pain from befalling the mountain’s fauna. In addition, he was unable to satisfy his hunger or quench his thirst with food or water. Shiva vanished once more after giving Mahananda Siddha advice.
Mahananda Siddha has demonstrated that life may exist without food. It has been many years since he last had food or water. He is a Siddha who receives Prana while resting on fire in meditation. Amrita, or nectar, drips from his mouth to nourish his body. With the aroma of new flowers and foliage, he worships the Shiva image. Mahananda Swami’s head resembles the five-headed serpent that resides atop Shiva’s head. Mahananda Swami has constructed steps to enable devotees to ascend the hill and see the Shiva shrine. Every day, he feeds hundreds of followers.

The Mahadeva Malai Temple Celebrates Several Festivals:
Every year in February or March, the temple vellore hosts a large-scale celebration of the Maha Shivratri festival.
Mahadeva Malai Temple Timing:
The temple is open from 07.30 AM to 05.30 PM.
How to Travel by Road to the Mahadeva Malai Temple
The Temple in Tamilnadu is accessible via the motorable Ghat road. This road leads up to the temple and is accessible to both two- and four-wheelers.
The Mahadeva Malai Bus Stand, which is 1.5 kilometers from the temple, is the closest bus stop.