The charming village of Chikur, located on the banks of Osmansagar and off the Vikarabad road, is 25 kilometers from Hyderabad. It is home to a historic temple dedicated to Sri Balaji Venkateshwara. It is evident from the architecture, construction, and look that the temple was constructed about 500 years ago. The chilkur balaji temple, which is surrounded by lush vegetation and draws hundreds of pilgrims each year, is a great spot for meditation and solitary retreat. It relished the magnificent, opulent days of the past.
History of Chilkur Balaji Temple:
Built during the reign of Bhakta Ramdas’ uncles, Akkanna and Madanna, the temple stands as one of the oldest in Telengana. It is customary that a devotee who used to travel to Tirupati annually was unable to do so on one occasion due to severe illness. In his dream, Lord Venkateshwara made an appearance and declared, “I am right here, in the neighboring jungle. You need not be concerned.” The follower immediately went to the location that the Lord had shown him in the dream, where he discovered a mole-hill that he dug up.
When Lord Balaji’s idol, which was covered by the mole-hill, was accidentally struck by the axe, blood unexpectedly began to pour from the “wounds,” filling the area and making it crimson below the chin and on the chest. When the devotee saw this, he was astounded by what he saw. Subsequently, he was astounded to hear a voice from the atmosphere, saying, “Flood the mole-hill with cow’s milk.”When the devotee did so, a Swayambhu idol of Lord Balaji—a unique combination of Lord Balaji with Sridevi and Bhoodevi—was discovered. This idol was erected with the appropriate formalities, and a temple was constructed in its honor.
Located in the heart of Hyderabad, the Visa Temple, also called the Chilkur Temple, is a hidden gem. There is a specific mystery to be discovered in this ethereal dwelling, making it unlike any other temple. According to legend, pilgrims swarm to this location in order to receive the blessings of Visa Balaji, the goddess who is renowned for granting visas for international travel. This balaji temple hyderabad telangana is well known for its extraordinary ability to cut through the complex web of red tape and fulfill aspirations of seeing the world. Furthermore, they don’t take donations of money. Vibrant ceremonies, colorful decorations, and a lively environment make the Visa Temple a fascinating blend of faith and travel. The Visa Temple is a remarkable location that offers an experience that will never be forgotten.
Is chilkur Balaji Temple Open Tomorrow:
Hours: 5:00 AM to 8:00 PM; daily open.
Chilkur Balaji Temple Timings:
Darshan hours in the morning are 6:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
Times for Darshan in the evening: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Location: Hyderabad, Telangana 500075, Chilkur Village, chilkur balaji temple road.
Men’s attire guidelinesMunds, or naked chests, were permitted to have a garment covering them.
Women’s clothing codeLong skirts or saris paired with shirts
The Hyderabad district’s Chilkur is home to the Balaji Temple. The distance from Mehedipatnam is 33 km. Every week, between 75,000 and 1,000,000 enthusiasts come. Typically, Fridays and Sundays see a lot of traffic at the temple. To know more information about temples visit liturgical temples in India.